Historias compartidas
Mark T. http://www.examiner.com/article/extreme-athlete-overcomes-cancer-surgery-and-climbs-willis-tower-four-days-later?cid=db_articles
Markita H. I, myself, suffer with asthma. I was diagnosed when I was 29. My father passed when I was 33 from lung cancer. My mother passed when I was 42 from lung and colon cancer.
Marjorie L. My husband insisted I get a chest x-ray (which the doctor didn't think I needed) because even though I was getting over the flu, he said my cough sounded different. That led to a CT scan, which led to a biopsy, and a diagnosis of lung cancer at age 5
Marissa G. Multiple studies have linked air pollution to autism.
Marie V. In January 2016 while in CICU, I was delivered the news "You have Stage 4 Lung Cancer" and because of the EGFR mutation, your cancer is treatable but not curable.
Marie S. In 2019 was diagnosed with non small cell lung cancer stage 3! I was shocked because I had not had any symptoms to complain about.
Marie M. I'm 49 years old and a wife and mother of three. I was diagnosed with lung cancer on Dec. 7, 2010. I had a lobectomy, followed by chemo and radiation.
Maria S. As a 62 year old Nurse Practitioner, and being in healthcare for the past 40+ years, I was (I thought) in good health - no prescription medicine, exercising regularly and I ate a healthy diet.
Maria S. May 2013 I was diagnosed with Stage IV metastatic non-small cell lung cancer. I am being treated at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in NYC. The tumor on my spine was excruciating and prohibited me from standing erect. Therefore, we had to addr
Maria R.
Maria R. My name is Maria and I was diagnosed with Interstitial Lung Disease (ILD). My story begins back in 2008. I was getting sick a lot with pneumonia and colds.
Mariann C. I joined the LUNG FORCE Walk because I was diagnosed in October 2015 with Advanced Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer.
Marian J. Hi! My name is Marian and this is my story. In 2011, I had tests done after I broke 3 ribs. At that time, "something" was discovered in my left lung. In January of 2012, after further testing and many opinions, I had a resection of my left lung. The
Maria L. I am a 49 years old and a two time breast cancer survivor. In April 2017 my pet scan revealed a nodule in my left upper lobe.
Maria F. The doctor said, “You have Stage 2 lung cancer.” I thought for sure that I didn’t hear him correctly – lung cancer? After all, it was April Fools’ Day so this must be a cruel joke.