Even though parents know their children best, this guide was developed in partnership with child psychologists and includes best practices for how to have the most effective conversation with kids on a tricky subject like vaping.

Before You Talk

Misinformation about vaping is everywhere. Two thirds of teens don’t even realize that e-cigarettes contain addictive nicotine.

Before the conversation, get comfortable with the key dangers and potential motivations for kids to vape. You may not feel like an expert, and that’s okay. Expressing care and concern is one of the best ways to support your child.

Check out our Get The Facts page.

Consider your kid’s viewpoint. Imagine the obstacles, pressures and social environment before you address your concerns.

Remember what it was like when you were a kid. Make sure to relate to them. Remind them that you’re on their side. When empathy is expressed and good communication exists, kids take fewer risks.

As you talk to your child, avoid judgment or frustration. Kids may pick up on your tone and tune out or react defensively.

An open conversation will disarm the notion that this is a lecture. It will also provide a relaxed environment to discuss ideas without making them feel like they are being blamed or in trouble.

Wait for the right opportunity to increase the chance that you are heard. Maybe you’re passing a vape shop, watching TV together or talking before your child goes to a concert with friends.

Pick a calm moment that is distraction free. Asking your child about vaping when it is already top of the mind gives you a non-confrontational way to learn about your child’s awareness, interest and involvement without defensiveness.

For important and potentially difficult conversations like these, it’s helpful to know exactly what you’d like to say before you say it. Take time, in front of the mirror or with a partner, to run through the points that you feel are most important.

Consider how your child will react to the information. Try to anticipate how the conversation may go and come prepared to respond calmly to any situation. Use tips in this guide and our Get The Facts page to help as you prepare.

Know the Facts

As you just learned, there is a lot to know about vaping. To best inform yourself and protect your child, get the facts concerning the signs, symptoms, dangers, and what is behind the epidemic.

This conversation guide is a perfect tool to share with my children about the dangers of vaping. The facts and questions are presented [in] an easy way to understand.


Special thanks to Dr. Yasmin Cole-Lewis, Dr. Lisa Damour, and Dr. S. Christy Sadreameli, who provided issue expertise and feedback on this vaping conversation guide. Dr. Yasmin Cole-Lewis is a postdoctoral fellow in pediatric pain psychology at Boston Children’s Hospital. Dr. Lisa Damour is a psychologist, best-selling author, monthly New York Times columnist, and regular contributor to CBS News. Dr. S. Christy Sadreameli is a pediatric pulmonologist at Johns Hopkins Hospital, where she takes care of pediatric patients of all ages with a variety of pulmonary conditions. She also serves as a volunteer medical spokesperson for the American Lung Association.