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Marie S., KY

In 2019 was diagnosed with non small cell lung cancer stage 3! I was shocked because I had not had any symptoms to complain about. I was scheduled for surgery on my leg and had a pre-surgery X-Ray done, a mass was found in my left lung and my doctor called me and told me he could not do the surgery untll we determined what the mass was. It turned out to be non-small cancer stage 3! A port was placed and I  immediatley started six weeks of daily radiation plus Keytruda treatments these have been working so far.

I recently found a swollen lympth node in my left arm pit and I was given a mammogram. I am scheduled for a biopsy on the lympth node and two places they found in my left breast. Since I have been diagnosed with lung cancer I find it has been a whirlwind of tests, treatments and doctor visits. I had such big plans, I had just sold the home I had lived in for over 30 years and had raised my kids there after their father passed at the age of 32 with a heart attack. I had just had a log cabin built on a beautiful lake in a nearby state along with my daughter that planned to build  herself a log cabin on the same lake. 

The cabin was built and I was moving in when I got the call that I had cancer. I was devistated because I knew I would not be able to live in the cabin. I would have to stay in my home state for treatments and doctor appointments. It broke my heart because I had to sell the cabin and stay here. I now have no life and most of my family and friends have stopped calling. If you want to know who your true friends are, just get diagnosed with cancer and see how many stay by your side. I try not to dwell on having cancer and live my life as before because I do not feel bad or have any symptoms. I just wish that people would understand just how important it is to keep in touch with someone that is dealing with cancer and how heartbreaking it is when they do not.

First Published: March 22, 2021

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