How to Use a Flexhaler Asthma Inhaler

Proper inhaler device technique is important when taking your medicine(s) and monitoring your breathing. Learn the correct way to use your Flexhaler Dry Powder Inhaler.

Learn how to use a flexhaler inhaler.

FULL TRANSCRIPT (with timecode)


00:00:01;02 - 00:00:04;00

How to use a flexhaler dry powder


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Twist the cover and lift it off. 


00:00:08;10 - 00:00:10;21

Check the dose counter on the side
 of the inhaler.


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Do not use it if it says zero. 


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Zero means the inhaler is empty and
 needs to be replaced.


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Prime a brand new flexhaler before
 using it for the first time.


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Prepare the device by twisting the
 brown grip in one direction


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as far as it will go, then
 twisting it back


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the other direction. 


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You will hear a click. 


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Repeat this again. 


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Your flex haler is now primed. 


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You do not have to prime your flexha
 ler again after this,


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even if you do not use it
 for a period of time.


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To take a dose, hold the flexhaler
 with mouthpiece pointing


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straight up and your hand in the
 middle of the device.


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Never hold inhaler sideways to load
 a dose.


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With your other hand, 


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twist the brown grip at the bottom
 in one direction as far


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as it will go, and then back in the
 other direction


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until it clicks. 


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The dose is now loaded. 


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Do not shake the device. 


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Prepare your body by sitting or standing
 up straight.


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Breathe out all the way
 away from the inhaler.


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Never breathe into the device. 


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Tilt your head back slightly. 


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Be sure to hold the flexhaler in
 a sideways position.


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Put the mouthpiece in your mouth
 between your teeth.


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Close your lips tightly around
 the mouthpiece.


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Breath in quickly and deeply through
 your mouth.


00:01:28;02 - 00:01:30;28

Remove the flexhaler from your
 mouth and hold your breath


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for up to 10 seconds. 


00:01:36;03 - 00:01:38;16

Breathe out slowly away from
 the inhaler.


00:01:39;13 - 00:01:41;24

Repeat these steps if instructed
 to take


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another dose. 


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Rinse your mouth with water
 and spit it out.


00:01:46;10 - 00:01:50;03

Close the inhaler, cover and store
 in a cool, dry place.


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If you have trouble using the inhaler
 correctly, ask your


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pharmacist or doctor for help. 

Page last updated: October 23, 2024

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