Improve Asthma Management in Schools

How asthma-friendly is your school? Accounting for more than 13.8 million lost school days each year, asthma is one of the main illness-related reasons that students miss school. Asthma management in schools requires a comprehensive approach that includes improving indoor air quality and improving a student's access to asthma medicine throughout the school day.

What Does It Take For A School to Be Asthma Friendly?

Watch a short video to learn about the recommendations.

Is Your School Lung Friendly?

Find opportunities to enhance lung health policies and practices in schools.
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Are You Ready for Back to School?

Ensure that everyone heads back to school with healthy lungs.
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Teachers, school nurses and staff members can all help keep kids with asthma healthy and in school. The American Lung Association, along with partnered school and health-based national organizations, developed a Joint Statement for Improving Asthma Management in Schools. This statement outlines best practices and proven effective strategies that schools can implement to create healthier learning environments.

The air children breathe in school is critical to their success in the classroom and their overall health. Indoor air quality impacts student attendance, test scores and student and staff productivity. The Lung Association provides key guidance and tools for parents and school staff to identify and solve air quality issues in schools. Learn more about healthy air in schools.

Children with asthma require access to life-saving asthma medicines throughout the school day to manage their disease. The Lung Association provides several resources and effective asthma management programs to assist schools in their efforts to improve student's health and well-being:

  • Asthma-Friendly Schools Initiative
    Learn how to create a long-term asthma management plan for your school. Get the guidance you need to help your local community plan and implement a comprehensive asthma management program.
  • Asthma Medication in Schools
    Ensure all students with asthma have quick, reliable access to medications. Learn more about the issue and get access to tools and resources that can help improve a student's access to asthma medication in schools.
  • Open Airways For Schools
    Find out more about this empowering asthma self-management program for elementary school children that offers education in a fun, interactive group environment. 
  • Kickin' Asthma
    Learn more about bringing this asthma management program for teens to your community.
  • Practical Guidance for Schools and School Districts to Protect Student Lung Health
    Use this document to enhance school wellness policies to address the needs of students living with asthma.

Top 5 Ways School Staff Can Support an Asthma-friendly School

See how school personnel can help ensure that students with asthma will have a safe and healthy school year.
Learn More

Page last updated: October 23, 2024

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