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Coverage Values:
- Y : Yes, covered for all Medicaid enrollees
- N : Not covered for Medicaid enrollees
- * : Coverage varies across state Medicaid plans
Barrier Values:
- Y : Yes; barrier exists in all the state Medicaid plans that cover the specified asthma service or treatment
- N : No; barrier does not exist in any state Medicaid plan that covers the specified asthma service or treatment
- * : The barrier exists in some of the state Medicaid plans that cover the specified asthma service or treatment
- NAv : Barrier information is not available for the state Medicaid plans that cover the specified asthma service or treatment
- N/A : The barrier is not applicable for the specified asthma service or treatment
- AL : Age Limit (coverage for individuals under a certain age)
- CO-PAY : Copayment (a fee a patient is responsible for to receive treatment or service)
- DME : Durable Medical Equipment (treatment or service covered as a DME benefit)
- EC : Eligibility Criteria (indicates a patient needs to meet certain criteria before receiving a treatment or service)
- PA : Prior Authorization (service must be approved before patient receives care)
- QL : Quantity Limit (restricting amount of service or treatment in a specified time)
- ST : Step Therapy (a treatment or service can be received only after other forms of therapy have been tried)
- + = : either all plans have no quantity limit or at least two inhalers per month or at least 2 valved-holding chambers per year are covered by all plans>
Data was collected from the following source documents and verified with state Medicaid offices when possible.
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Component | Coverage | AL | CO-PAY | DME | EC | PA | QL | ST |