Lung Association Applauds Arizona Governor Hobbs and Office of Resiliency for Ongoing Efforts to Secure Federal Clean Air Funding

This week, the state of Arizona was awarded $13.2M from the Department of Energy under the Grid Resilience State and Tribal Formula Grants. This funding will modernize Arizona’s power sector to better respond during extreme weather events such as wildfires, prolonged heat waves, and natural disasters. This investment also will help transition to a healthier and more resilient energy future for Arizona.

Under the Executive Office of the State of Arizona, projects will be selected through a competitive process. Goals for these funds include energy security, improving reliability through energy disruptions, equitable distribution of resources in tribal, rural, and underserved areas. Grid resilience includes investments in infrastructure and workforce development, especially in low-income and coal transitioning communities.

“Eliminating air pollution that threatens health today and for future generations depends on zero-emissions in electricity and transportation,” said JoAnna Strother, Senior Director of Advocacy for the American Lung Association in Arizona. “Today’s announcement that the Hobbs Administration has secured $13.2 million in federal funding to improve our power grid sets a stronger foundation for Arizona to deliver clean energy and 
build more zero-emission infrastructure for cars, trucks, and buildings.”

The American Lung Association 2023 “State of the Air” report found 84% of Arizona residents live in a county with at least one failing grade for air quality. Poor air quality is dangerous to lung and heart health, and contributes to increased asthma attacks, heart attacks, strokes, and even premature death. Certain groups including seniors, children, people of color, and low-income are disproportionately impacted by the health effects of air pollution. 

Emissions from the energy and transportation sectors are the greatest sources of our air pollution burdens. Lung Association research shows a transition to zero-emission electricity and transportation could yield $15.1 billion in health savings for the state of Arizona from now until 2050. Further, recent polling revealed 64% of voters agree Arizona should increase investments to complement federal funding to transition to clean energy, clean up our air, and reduce the pollution that causes climate change.

“Given our air pollution and climate challenges, Arizona can no longer afford to invest in fossil fuels, and must move away from combustion technologies as rapidly as possible,” said Strother. “This announcement is testament that Arizona is on the right track to deliver clean, affordable, and reliable energy while protecting frontline communities from harmful air pollution.”

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