Americans spend more than half of their time at work, and many are either at risk for or dealing with lung disease of some kind. Lung disease—which includes chronic conditions like asthma and COPD, and respiratory illnesses like the flu and pneumonia—is one of the most common and costly of all health problems. And tobacco use is the leading cause of lung cancer and other major health issues. By making small changes in your workplace environment and providing resources to employees to change behaviors and improve health, you can create a safer and healthier workplace for all employees and see a significant savings in healthcare related costs.
Small changes can include focusing on indoor air quality, providing quit tobacco use resources for employees, educating those living with a chronic lung disease and helping employees adopt healthier lifestyles.
The American Lung Association offers comprehensive support to help employers adopt and implement workplace policies and programs that support a healthy work environment while contributing to a healthier corporate bottom line.
Page last updated: March 19, 2025