Historias compartidas
Erin G. In the spring of 2017, my sister Meghan began having health issues. Meghan was a former Division I athlete who never took a sick day in her professional career, so when she started to have health issues, we were all surprised.
Nora P. My primary doctor and I decided I needed to get a scan since I started smoking at the age of nine! So at the age of 54, in 2016, I got a low dose CT Scan.
Gail B. I had a slightly heavy feeling in my chest and I wasn’t sure what it was. I thought perhaps it was a panic attack, even though I was not anxious about anything. I did not have a constant heaving feeling, I would only feel it occasionally.
Joy S.
Hannah R. Hello, my name is Hannah and on August 16th 2021, I lost my mother, Diane Michele Reister, to lung cancer.
Ted J. I was hospitalized in 2015 for being unable to walk for more than a few feet without having to stop and catch my breath. I was immediately placed in the cardiac critical care ward with a heart monitor attached 24/7 for 8 days.
Chloe V. Today is the first day of November. So I decided that today I am going to talk about why November is and should be so important to everyone.
Dian O. Hi! My name is Dian and I am a lung cancer survivor thanks to a low-dose CT scan.
David B. After hearing my wife, Carol’s horrible cough for months on end, and watching her exhausted after bouts of coughing, I was sure if I never heard another cough again it would be fine.
Chelsea C. Today is my lungaversary! A year ago today I underwent surgery to remove a tumor in the upper lobe of my right lung.
Pamela B. My name is Pamela. I'm a cancer survivor three times. In 2013, I had breast cancer. They found it early enough, it was stage 1.
Frank F. I made a promise with my daughter that if I quit smoking she would stop biting her nails. A few years later, I quit. I learned about the low-dose CT scan while signing up for a golf tournament.
Eva Marie F. I smoked for over 15 years. I started when I was around 8 years old, but didn't seriously start smoking until I was in my 20s, smoking up to 2 packs a day.
Carla G. In 2014, my ex-husband, the father of my children m, was dying of lung cancer. He and I had both smoked for close to 40 years.
Catherine S. I am a never smoker who was diagnosed with Mucinous Adenocarcinoma of my left lung in May of 2020.