Historias compartidas
Judy S. My father William (forever 59) went to the hospital with a shooting pain in his left shoulder on 7/17/21. We were informed that he had stage 3b squamous cell carcinoma lung cancer that was unresectable.
Olyfran M. My daughter, Francine Maigue, was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer on May 20, 2019 and passed away on February 22 ,2022.
Jennifer V. My Name is Jennifer. I am only 29 years old and I am currently battling Pots/Dysautonomia and partial seizures caused by COVID-19.
William S. I quit smoking in May 2018 and started getting yearly lung cancer screening scans in November 2018; they never showed any problems with my lungs.
Kay D. I find it hard to believe that complacency has won out. I have lived in NM for 22 years. The biggest problem is that polluted air from Las Cruces and El Paso blow are way.
Youssef B.
William D.
S W. In the northern part of Staten Island, north of the expressway, the terrace to the ferry, we are regularly, depending on the direction of the wind, hit with a noxious chemical smell, which causes chest issues, nausea, and headaches.
Sandra P. I am a 71-year-old senior living on social security in government assisted rental apartment in Oscoda, Michigan.
Rosalind B.
Ronald J. This picture was taken after a normal race night 100 yards from the track.
Philip R.
Patricia D. For several years, my husband and I have attempted - without success - to obtain assistance in rectifying what has become a serious concern in our small city: pollution from wood-burning backyard firepits.
Nakita G. Clean air to me is a right that was taken away from me as a child. My family all smoked around me and it made me sick.
Matthew W.