Historias compartidas
Judy M. I was one of the lucky ones; I found my cancer by a fluke. At work one Friday, I noticed that my ankles were extremely swollen. Now women get swollen ankles -- if we are on our feet too long, wear high heels, etc. But this was different.
Judy H. I had an uncle who died from lung cancer and a sister who was diagnosed with lung cancer in 2008. I had been a pack a day smoker for probably 35 years at that point. My uncle's death and sister's diagnosis scared me and I quit smoking in April of 200
Judith J. Driving to Florida for a winter vacation in March of 2015, my Primary Doctor calls me to tell me that, after looking at my MRI, I have lung cancer and the story began.
Judi R. I am 76 years old and have had hypersensitive pneumonitis for the past three years. Due to that lung disease, I have CT scans and the last showed a nodule had grown rapidly.
Judie M. Both my father and my sister died at age 72 of lung cancer. They both had smoked for many years. While I also smoked for a few years, I've been quit for over 30 years. I may still get lung cancer, but by quitting smoking, my quality of life drastical
Juanita L. In June of 2012 my Pop-pop was diagnosed with lung cancer. He was 62 years old. He had been very very tired, having to sit and catch his breath after just walking a block, sometimes even less.
Juanita B. What a journey. I found lumps around my collar bone in 2009. The doctor wasn't too concerned, but still took a CT scan to keep an eye on it. In March 2010 I lost my husband to a lifestyle death.
J. Teri L.
Joy P. I live with a chronic lung disease called asthma. I have been an asthmatic my entire life but asthma does not define me; it is just something that I live with. Live being the key word.
Joye Lee M. My name is Joye Lee McNelis. I am 55 years old, a Christian, wife, mother of two, and a YaYa to Emma Grace, my little granddaughter.
Joy D. In July 2015, I was diagnosed with Stage IV lung cancer. I was a healthy, active and hardworking 38 year old gal who was feeling run down and thought I had chest cold – or, maybe bronchitis or pneumonia at the worst.
Joyce P. I had always considered myself to be a healthy person. Yet in April 2017 I went for my yearly physical. I had noticed my breathing was off, yet I attributed it to the fact that we had a new dog. I fully expected to get a referral to an allergist sinc
Joyce K. I am sharing my lung cancer story because I want to provide hope and inspiration! I was diagnosed with lung cancer twenty five years ago, at age 33. I was sitting at my desk at work when I coughed up a clot of blood.
Joyce K. I had smoked for over 40 years. My friend suggested that I get the scan. I had had the scan before and it showed nothing so I figured I would go ahead and get the scan. The scanned revealed a stage 1A 2 spot on my lung.
Joyce E. My name is Joyce and I am a lung cancer survivor. I was diagnosed four year after I had quit smoking. Here is my story.