Historias compartidas
Kelly H. I am a LUNG FORCE Hero for my Pap Pap. BY, Boss Hogg, Poppy, Dad, Bob, Uncle Bob, he had many names and nicknames, and he had one for most people he met.
Kelly E. On Easter of 2014 my life was forever changed with the announcement that my mom, my best friend and my greatest supporter, had Stage 4 Non-Small Cell Carcinoma of the lung. She had gone to the hospital because she was tired, and her lungs felt heavy.
Kelly C. Dennis McGorry, Sr. was a healthy, active family physician still working in his 70s and keeping up his decades old habit of 5 a.m visits to the gym every morning. He played golf frequently, traveled and was always attending one of his eight grandkids
Kelley J. On December 12, 2017 at 12:12 in the morning my husband lost his battle with cancer. He had been fighting for his life for less than a year, and while his family knew what the impending circumstance could be after being diagnosed with stage IV small
Kellee M. On Dec. 11, 2014, my mom was having chest pain for a couple hours and it was very difficult to breathe, so she went to the hospital and asked my dad to meet her there. The hospital ran some tests thinking it was her heart but all checked out good the
Keisha S. In October 2015 my mother was diagnosed with small cell lung cancer right after her 61st birthday.
Keishan M. Every so often, you will get a call or email from me, inviting you to "Join us as we make lung cancer a cause people care about, and act on." Recently, I received an email that was very impactful, and made me want to share why LUNG FORCE is important
Kayla M. My mom, at the age of 46, being a non smoker started with curious symptoms and lost sight in one eye. Upon an eye exam a tumor was found, then a CT scan revealed hundreds of tumors all across her body. The largest tumor was found in her lung. When he
Kaye S. I am female and at age 69, I was diagnosed with lung cancer. A 1 cm tumor was discovered in my right upper lobe by a chest x-ray that I had because I was short of breath. Had I not mentioned this to my doctor, I would be dead today because insurance
Kaye P. In 2012 I was visiting my son's family for a very happy event - the birth of their son. I had had a cough for a while and was having severe shoulder pain. I thought I had a joint issue and needed a steroid injection. I went to the ER and was shocked
Kaye C. On March 9, 2017, I had a cough and some wheezing in my upper chest I passed it up, but that evening I got such an excruciating pain on my right upper side around the shoulder blade I thought I sprained.
Kay B. In August of 2015 I was told I had lung cancer. I did not know anything was wrong with me until I had a difficult time breathing while tackling the big hill by our home on my daily morning walk. Soon I learned that my left lung was filled with fluid
Kat S. My father died of lung cancer in 2019. Recently I was at an appointment with my cardiologist, who also treated my father while he was alive.
Katreena G. I did the Lung Force walk in 2018 for the first time. The year before, I lost my uncle to lung cancer. He never smoked, was a vegetarian, lived a healthy life.
Katisha M. My mom was told by her doctors early morning on 04/11/2018 that today that very day...would be her last day to live... She had just been recently diagnosed with Stage 4 lung cancer. She had just received her first round of chemo DAYS before. She was