The National Radon Action Plan serves as a framework to guide nationwide action to eliminate preventable lung cancer from radon in the U.S. by expanding protections for all communities and buildings. The Plan sets goals for the nation to find, fix and prevent high indoor radon levels in 8 million buildings by 2025; to prevent an average of at least 3,500 lung cancer deaths per year; and to save one-quarter of a million lives in those buildings over time. The National Radon Action Plan was developed through a collaborative effort by the EPA, the American Lung Association, and 11 other public and private organizations. For more information about the National Radon Action Plan and key highlights of progress made, see National Radon Action Plan 2021-2025 Interim Progress Report.

The National Radon Action Plan is organized into four goal areas:

This goal area seeks to institutionalize radon control requirements in the rules, codes and standards that govern how buildings are financed, developed, constructed and maintained.

The strategies in this goal area address the critical need for increasing access to sources of funding and services to ensure that all communities have equal access to radon risk reduction.

This goal area seeks to expand the availability of high quality radon services in communities nationwide by building a sustainable workforce of trained and certified measurement and mitigation professionals.

This goal area addresses the historic inequities in awareness of radon risk and control strategies through increasing the use of trusted messengers and culturally relevant educational resources.

National Radon Action Plan

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National Radon Action Plan 2021-2025 Interim Progress Report

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Page last updated: August 12, 2024

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