Partnering at Home

Asthma, COPD, and Indoor Air Quality Home Visit Training Program

For nearly two decades, the American Lung Association has partnered with communities nationwide to build the capacity of health, housing, and environmental professionals around disease-specific home visiting and indoor air quality. The Partnering at Home training program is ideal for community health workers, public health nurses, and other professionals who want to learn how to conduct environmental home assessments.

The experience of the American Lung Association in asthma, COPD, and indoor air quality homes visits comes from 20 years of experience with over 2,000 families implementing the Environmental Improvements for COPD and Asthma home visiting program.   

Program evaluation shows the Environmental Improvements for COPD and Asthma program:

  1. Reduces asthma symptoms during the day and at night
  2. Reduces school absences
  3. Decreases hospitalizations and emergency department visits
  4. Provides a return on investment of $2.19 for every $1.00 invested by reducing health care costs 

The Partnering at Home training program can be delivered in-person or virtually.  This highly engaging 12-hour training program uses adult learning techniques, case studies, and experiential education to prepare participants to engage families in asthma, COPD, and indoor air quality.  

Course learning objectives: 

  1. To understand the role of a community health worker in asthma, COPD and indoor air quality (IAQ) 
  2. To build the knowledge of asthma/COPD pathophysiology, signs and symptoms, medications and triggers 
  3. To apply home environmental assessment and remediation skills 
  4. To learn how to engage families in asthma, COPD and IAQ education  

For more information about the Partnering at Home training program, please contact

Page last updated: September 18, 2024

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