Invest in Clean Air & Save Lives

Restore funding for zero-emission vehicles and healthy homes

Take Action for Clean Air Funding Today

Join the American Lung Association in urging the Governor and legislators to fully fund clean air programs this year.
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Climate Budget Cuts Have Health Consequences

California Needs a Clean Air Budget

California’s leaders previously approved $54 billion in multi-year investments to help Californians transition to healthy homes and zero-emission vehicles. This clean air budget promised significant attention to California’s air pollution challenges with targeted investments to heavily impacted communities.

Now, these clean air programs are at risk of being stripped in the state’s budget. We need your help to protect them. 

The clean air budget was designed to be a down payment on California’s clean air safety net. It would save lives and money in communities suffering most from deadly – and costly – air pollution and extreme climate events.

We cannot let budget cuts slow the transition to zero-emission, safer and more affordable technologies. 

Restoring funding for clean vehicles and healthy homes will help everyone save money and save lives. Help protect this investment in California’s health. 

More details:

The state’s suite of equitable, clean transportation programs is designed to cut pollution from cars and trucks by making clean transportation options more affordable and accessible for all Californians, including those in highly impacted and under-resourced communities.

The state’s clean transportation programs are already chronically underfunded, and current budget proposals threaten to eliminate already promised investments that directly support households and businesses in the transition to zero-emission technologies needed to clean the air.

The Equitable Building Decarbonization (EBD) Program is a vital part of California’s clean air safety net, and an important tool to provide relief from indoor and outdoor air pollution, energy costs, extreme heat, and unhealthy living environments by funding whole home efficiency retrofits. 

Gas-powered appliances are a major source of harmful air pollution in California, contributing to our ozone “smog” challenges, indoor air pollution impacts and climate change. Maintaining funding for the EBD program will have real-life benefits for low-income households who bear higher energy burdens, live in less energy-efficient homes, and are disproportionately exposed to pollution.

Before the state even considers cuts to equitable clean air programs, we must expand the Governor’s proposed cuts to subsidies for big polluters and other infrastructure investments - like highway expansions – that increase air and climate pollution.

California taxpayers shouldn’t subsidize industries and transportation infrastructure that continue to pollute our communities and harm our residents.  

Take Action for Clean Air Funding Today

Page last updated: August 9, 2024

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