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A major cause of poor air quality are what California Air Resources Board and the EPA call gas powered small off road equipment (e.g. mowers and leaf blowers) that we use for primarily for landscaping.
Wildfires in Northern California over the past several years have triggered asthma which I hadn't had since I was a teenager. I deal with the impacts now daily.
Our township allows leaf burning throughout the year, causing very unhealthy air especially for those with asthma, COPD or other sensitivities.
I am a student at UMD in Minnesota. I am originally from a small town in southern Minnesota.
I was diagnosed with asthma when I was in my mid-20s. Every year I would get this horrible cough for months and there weren't any real answers as to why.
I have bronchiectasis, with frequent flareups requiring antibiotics. I also have asthma that gets set off when I am sick and when I am around chemicals, campfires and wildfire smoke.
I live in Kennett Square, PA, "Mushroom capital of the world"
I have emphysema. I moved from Brooklyn, New York thinking that the Garden State would have cleaner air. Little did I know that New Jersey is ...
My name is Bill Dusold and I am a 47-year-old male. I was diagnosed with asthma in 2006 and 2018. I have mild asthma and I use a nebulizer machine ...
In the northern part of Staten Island, north of the expressway, the terrace to the ferry, we are regularly, depending on the direction of the wind, hit with a noxious chemical smell, which causes chest issues, nausea, and headaches.
I am a 71-year-old senior living on social security in government assisted rental apartment in Oscoda, Michigan.
I recently moved out of Manhattan to Warwick, N.Y. in Orange County. One of the reasons I moved is that I wanted to spend less time in the ci...
This picture was taken after a normal race night 100 yards from the track.
I lived in some places with pretty bad air. The San Francisco Bay Area was where I spent my childhood and youth. I'm old enough, that I was breathi...
For several years, my husband and I have attempted - without success - to obtain assistance in rectifying what has become a serious concern in our small city: pollution from wood-burning backyard firepits.