The American Lung Association “State of the Air” 2024 is the result of the hard work of many.
We would like to thank: Allen S. Lefohn, Ph.D., of A.S.L. and Associates, who compiled the data; John Balmes, M.D., who served as expert volunteer reviewer for the health impacts section; Doug Manners, a volunteer writer/editor in Denver, CO, who helped with story collection, and storytellers Rohan Arora, Dr. Aaron Levy, Evelyn Mateos and Mike Nelson.
Great appreciation goes to the National Association of Clean Air Agencies, who strove to make this report better through comments, review and concerns. Many of its members reviewed and commented on the individual state data presented and the methodology to make this report more accurate. We also appreciate the assistance of members of the Association of Air Pollution Control Agencies, who also reviewed data from their states. We appreciate them all as our partners in the fight against air pollution. This report should in no way be construed as a comment on the work any of these agencies do.
“State of the Air” 2024 would not have been possible but for the twenty years of inspiration, dedication and hard work of the late Janice E. Nolen. We still miss her every day.
The American Lung Association assumes sole responsibility for the content of “State of the Air” 2024.
American Lung Association
55 W. Wacker Drive, Suite 1150
Chicago, IL 60601
Advocacy Office
1331 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Suite 1425 North
Washington, DC 20004
(800) 586-4872
Copyright ©2024 by the American Lung Association
American Lung Association and State of the Air are registered trademarks of the American Lung Association.
Page last updated: June 7, 2024