Historias compartidas
Anomous A.
annina d.
Anne L.
Anne h.
Anna B.
Anita W.
Beth A. I have two daughters, both influenced by other teenagers who vape.
Ines C. I lost my beloved husband recently in January 17, 2022 to lung cancer.
Lisamarie S. This is my mom, Milta. This picture was taken in April after a two month stay in the hospital.
Connie J. I was diagnosed with Hypersensitive pneumonitis January 2002. I had been working at Ground Zero NYC following 9/11.
Frank M. I joined the military 31 Mar,1960 and was sent to HVAC Tech school and that's when I was exposed to phosgene gas and welding/brazing fumes.
Brandon C. I smoked for many years when I was younger and completely understand the difficulty associated with moving on from something as addictive as smoking.
Jace S. While working I was called and told news that forever changed me. "Jace, Raroo (grandma) has severe COPD and was given six months to two years left to live."
Tammy D. I want to share that I lost my dad on February 3, 2021 to lung cancer, stage IV, metastasized. He was 82 years old.
Cynthia W. I was diagnosed in 2010 with COPD. In the past twelve years the air quality around me has impacted the progression of my situation incredibly often.