Clean Air at School

Resources to protect indoor air at school
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Learn about how indoor air pollutants impact your lungs and what it is important to keep the air in schools clean.

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Speaker 1 (00:06):

Before we can understand how indoor air quality impacts our lungs, we first need to understand how our lungs work. When you breathe in through your nose or mouth, air travels down your airways or trachea, dividing into your right or left lung via the bronchi. The bronchi then separate into small tubes called bronchioles. Like tree branches, bronchioles divide into thousands of even smaller passages. At the end of each bronchiole is a cluster of little air sacs called alveoli. Alveoli are wrapped in tiny blood vessels called capillaries. The air you breathe in fills these air sacks with oxygen-rich air. Here is where oxygen is transported throughout the body. Not all the air you breathe in is clean. Indoor air contaminants can include small particles that are suspended in the air. When those particles from the air travel deep into your body, they can have a negative impact on your health. These particles can include things like dust, tobacco smoke, diesel emissions, pollen, pet dander, mold spores, chemicals, gases, and more.


Particulate matter, often written as PM, are so small they go into the lungs all the way to the alveoli. Once there, they can irritate and corrode the alveoli wall, damaging the lungs and causing lung disease. Healthier in schools can benefit students, teachers, and other school staff. Clean air can improve health, alertness, attention, test scores, and comfort for both students and teachers, but not all the air we breathe in school is clean. School air may have several pollutants, including mold, bacteria and viruses, chemicals from glues, paint or cleaning supplies, particulate matter from chalk dust, soil, new furniture, cooking, carpets, heaters, and wood stoves. Also, polluted outdoor air from busy traffic, nearby factories, and wildfires can come inside the school.


To improve the indoor air quality in your school, remove the source of the air pollution if you can. Prevention is best. Air out your classroom by opening doors and windows. Filter the air with an air cleaner. Air cleaners take in the room's air and capture particles, viruses, and many chemicals. The air cleaners then release clean air back into the room. Learning how to protect yourself from poor air quality doesn't have to be hard. Visit to learn more.

We all want children and teachers to be safe at school. But there are some dangers—such as air pollution—that are not always obvious. Air pollution in schools can affect how children learn and harm their growing lungs. It can also cause health problems for faculty and staff. You can help protect your family and your community by learning more about keeping the air in schools clean and healthy.

Understanding what makes indoor air unhealthy and the specific pollutants that might be present in schools is the first step to addressing the problem. Then, you can take action to protect yourself from indoor air pollution.

These additional resources can help you address air quality in schools:

More Clean Air at School Resources

Lung-Friendly Environments for Youth

Explore ways to create a lung healthy environment by improving clean air at school.

Page last updated: September 18, 2024

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